
Recyclable or Trash? We’ve Got the Dos and Don’ts for Christmas Wrap | Chicago News | WTTW

After all the weeks, even months, of anticipation, what’s left of Christmas is a pile of wrapping paper, ribbon, bows and boxes.

Not sure what can be recycled? We checked in with the experts at Streets and Sanitation, and here’s what’s accepted in Chicago’s blue recycling carts and what isn’t. Foldable Gift Box

Recyclable or Trash? We’ve Got the Dos and Don’ts for Christmas Wrap | Chicago News | WTTW

— Wrapping paper, with a couple of caveats. If it’s plain paper, yes. If it’s metallic or glittery, no.

— Holiday cards, if plain paper; no metallics or glitter

Just because something isn’t recyclable doesn't mean it has to wind up in a landfill. Plenty of items like ribbons and bows can be re-used.

Even packing materials can be given a second life. The nonprofit company EcoShip collects items and redistributes them to small businesses. Check their website for what's accepted, drop-off collection points and upcoming collection events.

Chicago’s recycling partner, Recycle by City, has additional tips on reducing holiday waste.

Contact Patty Wetley: @pattywetli |(773) 509-5623 |[email protected]

Recyclable or Trash? We’ve Got the Dos and Don’ts for Christmas Wrap | Chicago News | WTTW

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