
1-104480-3 - Amp - Te Connectivity - Contact, MTE, Socket

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Contact , MTE, Socket, Crimp, 22 AWG, Gold Plated Contacts, AMPMODU Housing Header Connectors

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Available for back order Deliveries start from 12/26/23 × 60,000 more will be available on 12/26/23 34 You can reserve stock now just order your desired quantity and checkout as normal. The quantity that cant be dispatched now will be placed on back order and sent as soon as we get a delivery from our supplier. You only get charged when the products are dispatched to you.

60,000 more will be available on 12/26/23

You can reserve stock now just order your desired quantity and checkout as normal. The quantity that cant be dispatched now will be placed on back order and sent as soon as we get a delivery from our supplier. You only get charged when the products are dispatched to you.

Due to market conditions delivery times are for general guidance only and may be subject to change at short notice

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