
Tools & Toys: Corico Olive Boat and Fabulyss Boutique Self Defense Key Chain

Fabulyss Boutique Self Defense Key Chain

What's to love: This key chain has it all when it comes to self defense devices and style. Blank Pin Badges

Tools & Toys: Corico Olive Boat and Fabulyss Boutique Self Defense Key Chain

What does it do: The key chain has a wristlet for securely holding the assorted safety items that are attached to the key chain. They include pepper spray, a loud alarm with a small LED flashlight, a kubotan and a pocket to hold a small bottle of hand sanitizer. There is also a fluffy pompom for additional flair. The key chains are available in several different patterns and colors with prices starting at $35. For more information and to see the company's other self defense items including key chain add-ons, visit

What's to love: This dish gives olive-lovers a discrete place to discard the olive pits.

What does it do: The seven-inch white glazed plate is centered with a cone shaped "pit port" that will fit all sizes of olive pits. The Olive Boat is two pieces making it easy to get rid of the pits and clean the plate. It is dishwasher safe and sells for $30. Visit for more information.

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Tools & Toys: Corico Olive Boat and Fabulyss Boutique Self Defense Key Chain

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